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Esoteric Yoga - Online

The Yoga of Stillness

Esoteric Yoga

Taurus Full Moon

April 15, 16, 17, 18 (AEST)


Esoteric Yoga Program - Easter Program - Taurus Full Moon - Wesak - April 2022


Program Information & Details


Live Session Dates/time

Session 1 - 4:00am - 5:00am - Friday 15th April AEST - London - 7:00pm, Berlin - 8:00pm

Session 2 - 4:00am - 5:00am - Friday 16th April AEST - London- 7:00pm, Berlin - 8:00pm

Session 3 - 4:00am - 5:00am - Friday 17th April AEST - London - 7:00pm, Berlin - 8:00pm - Taurus Full Moon

Session 4 - 4:00am - 5:00am - Friday 18th April AEST - London - 7:00pm, Berlin - 8:00pm


Click here to find out what time 4:00am AEST is in your part of the world...



Program Cost - $70 AUD - payable by PayPal or bank transfer - See below for details.


Location - Online via Zoom (link provided on booking)


Presenter - Lisa Hansberry - for information on Lisa see Here


How to book into the program....

1. Read the terms and conditions (link provided below) and tick that you accept

2. Fill in the below booking form and click on the submit button

3. Complete payment via the direct link to PayPal below or email Lisa at for bank transfer details.


Scroll down the page to be guided through these steps.


Once you have completed the booking process, a confirmation email will be sent with the program details. 


The Full Moon is known as the symbol of perfect Motion,

the reflection of the Sun's inner-light and the reflection of externalised Repose,

which is also the externalised Inner-Temple.


The Full Moon programs provide an opportunity  for us to connect to the healing and advancement offered with each cycle. 

Become aware, in stillness, of how your body and your being respond to the movement of the moon cycles, and what the cycles mean for you personally.



The moon phases bring about many changes and challenges in the natural movements of deepening and expansion.

The sessions will ask you to read from your body what is occuring for you through these cycles in order to maximise the offering. 


 Esoteric Yoga - The Yoga of Stillness,

uses very simple movements and focus to support a deep and steady connection, and can greatly assist in helping us feel the offering and activation within our body and being in the honouring of this cyclic occurrence.

Online Booking Form
Esoteric Yoga Programs
Fill in the below required details and follow through to payment. 
Alternatively you can email Lisa at
This information is kept strictly confidential. 
Have you done Esoteric Yoga before?

Thank you for booking in to this program. Payment can be made below.

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Click on the button below to pay now via PayPal



To pay via bank transfer, including overseas bank transfers 

please email Lisa at

Universal Medicine Therapies – Disclaimer:

The material on this website is based upon the principles of The Ageless Wisdom which offers an energetic understanding of life. Any references to science are references to energetic science as presented by the Ageless Wisdom, and not to evidence-based science in mankind’s modern era. Any references to specific aspects of Medicine are to illustrate the relevance of energetic wisdom, as presented by the Ageless Wisdom, in the interplay of bodily illness and disease rather than contradicting the current theories of disease causation or in any way to replace epidemiology. The principles conveyed on this website, and their application in the therapies applied in this clinic, whether in person or via online delivery, are philosophical and religious, and thus are not verified within the evidence-based rationales and critical appraisal process of evidence-based science including CONSORT2010 compliant double blind randomised controlled trials. 

The therapies practised in this clinic are based on the work of Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine and thus, in line with those presentations and teachings, they do not diagnose, treat, prevent or offer any therapeutic cure to any disease or illness, are complementary-to-medicine and are never a replacement of or alternative to conventional medicine. If you have any question or concern about the cause, diagnosis or treatment of any disease or illness, you should consult a registered medical practitioner.

​© 2021 Esoteric Yoga Online.

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